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AceMoney 4.14 Multilingual (+ Portable)

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 02-11-2011, 01:38 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي AceMoney 4.14 Multilingual (+ Portable)

AceMoney 4.14 Multilingual (+ Portable) | 15.69 Mb

AceMoney helps people organize and manage their personal finances quickly and easily. It supports all the features required for home or even small-business accounting needs.

Using AceMoney for e-business, shareware and eBay
If you are running e-business or just selling goods on eBay, AceMoney can simplify your life by automating order processing. AceMoney supports parsing of order notifications sent by the following e-commerce providers:
* PayPal
* RegNow
* RegSoft
* ShareIt
* SWReg
* Plimus

How does it work? Very easy. When you receive order notification for your product or service by email, you used to copy/paste customer name, address, order number, amount and other information manually item by item and insert these values into the appropriate transaction dialog fields. It works, but every order email has standard format, so why not to automate the process? That's what AceMoney does.

Follow this procedure to add a new order into AceMoney:
* 1. Open your data file in AceMoney
* 2. Open email program and select all order email text
* 3. Copy order text to the clipboard
* 4. Click on a desired account in AceMoney
* 5. Press Ctrl+V or Edit->Paste

As a result of this operation, AceMoney will create a new transaction (deposit) automatically filling in fields Payee, Amount and Date. Moreover, if the order contains additional customer information such as an address, AceMoney will fill it in automatically too into the attributes of Payee. Order number will be inserted into the transaction comment field making it easier to find an order in the future using built-in Search facility.

Manage multiple accounts of different types
AceMoney supports checking, savings, credit cards, loans, debt accounts. You can even create your own account type, such as a cash allowance for your kids!

Create and manage budgets
The program has more than 100 predefined spending categories. Setup budget limits for every category and track the difference between actual and budgeted values.

Track performance of investments
Track 401k, Stock options, Employee Stock Purchase Plans or any other investment activities. You don't need to enter the stock quotes manually: AceMoney will download them from the net!

Do your financial math in multiple currencies
The software supports more than 150 different currencies and automatically downloads their exchange rates from Internet.

Track your spending habits and see where the money goes
Generate any report by categories or payors/payees, including pie charts. Now you can see at a glance how much you spent on food last month. Find all your withdrawals and deposits by any parameter.

Enjoy the convenience of on-line banking
Download and import information from on-line banks in QIF and OFX formats. If you run a small business, export to HTML, Text, or CSV formats to generate statements or perform complex statistical analysis.

Don't miss the next deadline for bills
AceMoney takes control over your bills and shows you when they should be paid.

Double check
Enjoy the security of password protection of every file, scheduled backups and many other features without having any experience in accounting!

Plan debts and mortgage payments
AceMoney provides a loan calculator to plan debt payments and a professional mortgage calculator to estimate future morgage payments if you are planning to purchase real estate.

Do e-business with AceMoney
Are you selling goods on eBay? Are you in a shareware business? Do it with AceMoney! AceMoney automates input of orders coming from PayPal, RegNow, RegSoft, SWReg and Plimus.



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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع AceMoney 4.14 Multilingual (+ Portable):
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