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Adobe Photoshop CS4 v11.0.1 Multilingual Portable

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 01-09-2010, 09:00 AM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي Adobe Photoshop CS4 v11.0.1 Multilingual Portable

Adobe Photoshop CS4 v11.0.1 Multilingual Portable | 63.5 MB
فوتوشوب هو برنامج رسوميات أنتاجته شركة أدوبي من أشهر البرامج لصنع وتعديل الصور النقطية Bitmap و يستخدم أيضا في التصوير الرقمي, لتحسين الصور. ويعتبر المنتج الأكثر مبيعاً في هذا المجال الآن، وقام بتطويره الشقيقان توماس كنول وجون كنول عام 1987 وأصدرت النسخة الأولى في فبراير 1990 والنسخة الحادية عشر منه صدرت في سبتمبر 2008. من لايعرف هاذا البرنامج العملاق ؟ بكل تأكيد كل مستخدم كمبيوتر يعرف هاذا البرنامج العملاق الذي يستخدمه كبار المحترفين في مجال تحرير الصور الفوتوغرافية يعتبر البرنامج الأول في عالم الصور وقد لاياضهي هاذا العملاق اي برامج في مجاله أصبح يستخدمه في مجال ثري دي ماكس و مايا ولا يستغنى على هاذا البرنامج يعتبر من البرامج الأولى في عالم الصور وتحرير صورك بكل أحتراف وتأتي لنا شركة العملاق و أدوبي لتطرح لنا الأصدار العاشر الذي بكل تأكيد سوف يحمل الكثير من المميزات الرائعة حيث دائماً تفاجئنا شركة ادوبي بكل ماهو جديد ومميزات جديدة في أصداراتها من البرامج ومنها البرنامج الأول لها فوتو شوب العملاق بكل تأكيد هذه النسخة تستحق التجربة حيث فيها الكثير من تغييرات والتي تهم جميع المصممين ومحررين الصور
Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 Extended software delivers all the features in Photoshop CS4, plus new features for working with 3D imagery, motion-based *******, and advanced image analysis. If you work in film, video, multimedia, 3D, manufacturing, architecture, engineering, medicine, or science, Photoshop Extended is for you. Breakthrough 3D painting and compositing capabilities let you work with 3D models as easily and powerfully as with 2D images. Whether you're a professional photographer, a dentist, or just like to shoot photos for fun, there's a Photoshop product right for you.
Ideal for:
- Film, video, and multimedia professionals
- Graphic and web designers using 3D and motion
- Manufacturing professionals
- Medical professionals
- Architects and engineers
- Scientific researchers
Revolutionary 3D painting and compositing
Now paint directly on 3D models, wrap 2D images around 3D shapes, convert gradient maps to 3D objects, add depth to layers and text, get print-quality output with the new ray-tracing rendering engine, and enjoy exporting to supported common 3D formats.
Adjustments panel
Simplify image adjustment by easily accessing every tool you need to nondestructively adjust and enhance the color and tone of yourimages; on-image controls and a wide variety of presets are also included in the new live and dynamic Adjustments panel.
3D object and property editing
Edit, enhance, and manipulate 3D images in a streamlined interface without dialog boxes. Adjust lighting, meshes, and materials. Easily orient objects and position the camera using 3D axes and a ground plane.
Masks panel
Quickly create and edit masks from the new Masks panel. This panel offers all the tools you need to create editable pixel- and vector-based masks, adjust mask density and feathering, easily select noncontiguous objects, and more.
Fluid canvas rotation
Now just click to smoothly turn your canvas for distortion-free viewing at any desired angle — no more tilting your head in the middle of painting and drawing.
Extended depth of field
Easily create a single image from a series of shots that have different focal points with the enhanced Auto-Blend Layers command, which smoothly blends color and shading and now extends your depth of field, automatically correcting vignettes and lens distortion.
Smoother panning and zooming
Gracefully navigate to any area of an image with new, ultra-smooth zooming and panning. Maintain clarity as you zoom to individual pixels and easily edit at the highest magnification with the new Pixel Grid.
Auto-alignment of layers
Create accurate composites with the enhanced Auto-Align Layers command. Move, rotate, or warp layers to align them more accurately than ever before. Or use spherical alignment to create breathtaking panoramas.
*******-Aware Scaling
Use the new and revolutionary *******-Aware Scaling feature to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, smartly preserving vital areas as the image adapts to the new dimensions. Get the perfect image in one step without time-intensive cropping and retouching.
Auto-blending of images
Combine a range of images, each with a different exposure, color, and focal point — with options to preserve tones and colors — into a single color-corrected image.
Enhanced motion graphics editing
Edit motion graphics more efficiently with new single-key shortcuts, sync visual effects with specific points in an audio track using new audio syncing controls, and turn any 3D object into a video display zone.
More powerful printing options
Get outstanding prints with superior color management, tighter integration with leading printer models, and the ability to preview out-of-gamut image areas. Support for 16-bit printing on Mac OS offers increased color depth and clarity.
Better raw image processing
Enjoy superior conversion quality as you process raw images with the industry-leading Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 5 plug-in, which now offers localized corrections, post-crop vignetting, TIFF and JPEG processing, and support for more than 190 camera models.
Integration with other Adobe software
Be productive with enhanced integration between Photoshop Extended and other Adobe applications you depend on, including Adobe After Effects®, Adobe Premiere® Pro, and Adobe Flash Professional software.
Industry-leading color correction
Enjoy dramatically enhanced color correction with reengineered Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools that now intelligently preserve color and tone details.
Improved Adobe Photoshop Lightroom workflow
Select multiple photos in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® (sold separately) and automatically open them in Photoshop CS4 to merge them into a panorama, a high dynamic range (HDR) photo, or a multilayered Photoshop ********. And seamlessly roundtrip back to Lightroom.
File display options
Easily work with multiple open files by using tabbed ******** display or n-up views.
Get and share Adobe Flash® technology-based panels that developers create to accomplish customized tasks. Plus, get tips and tricks from the thriving worldwide community of Photoshop users through the new Adobe Community Help online service.
Overall product features:
» Revolutionary new features, a fluid user experience, and improved access to the unrivaled power of Photoshop
» A more intuitive user interface and new nondestructive editing features that put you in control, including the new Adjustments and Masks panels
» New and revolutionary *******-Aware Scaling, advanced auto-blending that extends depth of field, and industry-leading editing and compositing with reengineered color-correction tools
» Significant productivity enhancements that provide increased flexibility and enable you to leverage the power of today's faster graphics processors
» Breakthrough 3D editing and compositing capabilities and improved video controls to dramatically expand your creative options
» Comprehensive image analysis with enhanced measurement and counting tools, as well as support for DICOM images and MATLAB processing routines
Breakthrough 3D, motion graphics, and image analysis:
» Direct painting on 3D objects
» Easy conversion from 2D to 3D
» Editable 3D properties (scene, materials, meshes, lights)
» High-quality output with new ray-tracing rendering engine
» 2D and 3D image compositing
» 3D object animation
» 3D/video support
» New, high-performance, nonmodal 3D engine
» Volume rendering
» Single-key shortcuts for editing motion graphics
» Preview and export of audio ******* and frame comments
» Quantitative data extraction
» Enhanced Count tool



قديم 01-10-2010, 12:00 AM   #2
عاشق محترف
الصورة الرمزية عاشقة انيمي ناروتو
رقـم العضويــة: 30773
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 26
المشـــاركـات: 455
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10

افتراضي رد: Adobe Photoshop CS4 v11.0.1 Multilingual Portable

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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع Adobe Photoshop CS4 v11.0.1 Multilingual Portable:
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