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FlashFXP v3.7.8 build 1332 - BETA

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 01-29-2010, 02:06 AM
الصورة الرمزية jquimx  
رقـم العضويــة: 31833
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 38
المشـــاركـات: 138
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي FlashFXP v3.7.8 build 1332 - BETA

FlashFXP is a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client for Windows, it offers you easy and fast ways to transfer any file between other local computers (LAN - Local Area Network) running a FTP server or via the Internet (WAN - Wide Area Network) and even directly between two servers using Site to Site transfers (FXP - File eXchange Protocol).

Use FlashFXP to publish and maintain your website, Upload and download documents, photos, videos, music and more! Share your files with your friends and co-workers using the powerful site manager. There are many features and advanced options available within FlashFXP which are being added with the release of each new version stable or beta*.

The software is available in over 20 languages and under active development. FlashFXP offers high security, performance, and reliability that you can always depend on to get your job done swiftly and efficiently.

Oficial Website: http://www.flashfxp.com/
Install Instructions:

1. Install FlashFXP
2. Enter Serial Provided Into FlashFXP
3. Close FlashFXP
4. Apply Patch
5. Enjoy


FlashFXP v3.8 BETA - (3.7.8 build 1332)

An updated language pack has been posted on our website, Translators please take a moment to update your translations. Thank you.
Changes specific to this release
* Updated SFTP engine.
* Updated FASTMM4 to the latest revision.
* You can now drag/drop from within the remote folder tree to move folders on the FTP server. (previously you could only drag from the listing to the tree to move things.)
* The local browser drop down box now supports auto text completion.
* Added the ability to view the MD5/SHA1 Fingerprint from the SSL server certificate dialog.
* FIXED: After an idle disconnect transferring the queue causing a site reconnect set the local path back to the site default.
* FIXED: Unable to view temporary SSL server certificates when "accept once" is clicked and the certificate isn't stored.
* Resolved SFTP compatibility issue with JSCAPE Server.

New Features
* SFTP Support.
* Added the ability to replace a client certificate, replacing the certificate assigns the new certificate to all the sites the previous certificate was assigned to.
* Added the ability to en-queue delete operations and raw commands. (Remote file list > Right click > EnQueue)
* Added History sub-menu to the connection dropdown menu list.
* Added an Option (Preferences > General > Options) "Include Quick Connect sites in History"
* Local folder sizes are pre-calculated prior to upload to help calculate a more accurate queue remaining time.
* Support for toolbar themes and custom button images.
* Added ability to add comments to a bug report directly from within FlashFXP.
* Added the ablity to reorder and select SFTP encryption ciphers/MACs. (global and per site)
* Updated OpenSSL to 0.9.8h.
* New extended toolbar tray tooltip that displays detailed transfer information.
* New option to blend transfer progressbar with windows theme. (Preferences > Display > Colors & Fonts > Blend with windows theme).
* New Global default and Session on transfer complete option "Retry failed transfers".
* Set Per session via main menu > Session > Retry failed transfers.
* Set global default via Preferences > Transfer > Retry failed transfers
* New option "Move failed transfers to the bottom of queue before retrying" (Set in Preferences > Transfer > Options.)
* Added support for environment variables (i.e. %appdata%, %temp%) in most local browser inputs such as the address bar.
* Added en queue raw command support to the FlashFXP command line. i.e. FlashFXP.exe <site> -raw="site fubar" (Since the raw command is queued you can use -cX flags such as -c2 to close FlashFXP after performing the command.)
* The local file browser will now fully support overlay icons, before only the basic overlays were supported, what this means is that for people who use TortoiseSVN you'll be able to see your file status from within FlashFXP.
* You can now drag/drop queue items from one FlashFXP instance to another (from queue to queue). This action moves the selected queue entries to the target instance.
* You can now customize your toolbar background / buttons using several pre-defined toolbar buttons and background styles. (Preferences / Display / Interface)
* The local browser drop down box now supports auto text completion.

* The chain of commands used for local synchronization when navigating via the listview has been reordered.
* Redesigned quick connect interface.
* Removed the 250 character limits for raw commands.
* Compare folder content feature now unselects "parent directory" first as this was not intended behavior.

* Toolbar malfunction on windows 2000.
* Abnormal window behavior when switching between FlashFXP and the Internal text editor.
* Saving the favorites.dat would generate a crash report when the permission to save the file was denied.
* Resolved a problem with handling MLSD directory listings that resulted in the fields being converted to lowercase.
* Fixed issue with MSLD parsing owner/group/etc.
* After an idle disconnect transferring the queue causing a site reconnect set the local path back to the site default.

CRC Checks:
FlashFXP_378_BETA_Setup.exe 770D6F38
CRACK\flashfxp.v3.7.8.build.1332.[beta]-patch.exe 8E5B98EF
CRACK\serials.txt 8EE9CF36
FFXP.v3.7.8 build 1332.Madroach.rar 77FCEFBF
Files hosted on: HotFile
no pass, enjoy

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع FlashFXP v3.7.8 build 1332 - BETA:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
برنامج الأف تى بى المهم لأصحاب المواقع FlashFXP 3.8 (3.7.7 Build 1318) Beta العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-16-2009 02:40 AM
عملاق FTP برنامج FlashFXP.v3.7.7.build.1315.BETA كامل + نسخة بورتابل العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 12-31-2008 10:31 AM
FlashFXP 3.8 (3.7.7 Build 1318) Beta العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 12-28-2008 01:51 AM
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الساعة الآن 10:48 PM.

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