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قديم 12-29-2008, 09:01 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي ClipConsole v1.3.0.0 لحفظ ما تقوم بنسخه ومن ثم الرجوع اليه(الاثنين29-12)

ClipConsole v1.3.0.0

برنامج متخصص في اخذ نسخ للاشياء الي تنسخها عن طريق النسخ العادي، ويمكنك
استخدام النسخ بالرجوع اليها مرة اخرى

ClipConsole will extend your clipboard. It provides up to 10 additional clipboards and fast methods to get access to those buffers. Customizable hot-keys, always in silent mode, no annoying popups or windows that eats your screen space. ClipConsole just adds clipboards, leaving clipboard management "simple".

What is ClipConsole?
- How many times you wished on your birthday party while blowing candles on your birthday cake to find a simple and easy to use clipboard that will do exactly what you expect from it with minimum efforts from you?
- How many times when copying & pasting you got totally unexpected results? You expected to insert a poetry line but instead got some strange picture that you had copied in your clipboard about a year ago?
- How many times you wanted to buy a big screen TV instead of your monitor because that office clipboard would pop up from anywhere and eat a half of your screen with no reason?
- Probably there are ways to simplify your standard clipboard. But either they are known only to some rare office gurus or you will have to read hundreds of manuals pages to finally find out how to do it. It will take ages! Nowadays, when every second of your time costs a lot of money, you just can’t afford it if you want to be successful! But now there is a better way. And it’s called ClipConsole! ClipConsole is a powerful and easy to use clipboard tool that will fully satisfy your needs. ClipConsole is compatible with all Windows applications which support copy, cut and paste operations. It can hold ****, formatted ****, pictures and anything else you might need in your work. ClipConsole doesn’t save any data to disk when you finish its work. It means that is absolutely safe to copy & paste passwords, logins and other important data. Try our free 15 days trial and feel the power of ClipConsole! Now you can spend your birthday wishes on something else!

Why do you need ClipConsole?
- ClipConsole saves time and makes you more productive by extending clipboard. It’s an application that acts like a standard clipboard. It won't auto-capture anything. It will store only data you copied. ClipConsole hepls you to store all your frequently used data, and lets you paste back into any document you may be working on, with a minimal number of clicks or keystrokes. ClipConsole is compatible with all Windows applications, which supports copy, cut and paste operations. It can hold ****, formatted ****, pictures etc. It won't save clipboards *******s, so you might use it to copy/paste your passwords, serials and other private data. Rather than copying and pasting each piece of information one at a time, you can copy series of your data without having to interrupt your research or leaving a specific document, and Paste them when you need to without any approach.

- It makes you more productive by making Windows clipboard working better. It adds functionality that Windows leaves out, starting with the ability to hold more than one item! (Regular Windows clipboard holds one item at a time.) Do you have a need to keep often-used (or seldom remembered) scraps of data around for easy pasting? Do you often need to move many pieces of data from one application to another? ClipConsole will help you to do all this things…
- We invite you to explore our free 15-day trial. ClipConsole is designed to act more like a classical clipboard, rather than a separate application or a clipboard extender. It sits quietly and discretely waiting for you to need it when you want to retrieve data and paste it back into your document. ClipConsole is designed to work clipboard usual way. There is nothing unnecessary.

Why ClipConsole is better:
- You won't have need to switch between clipboards
- All operations can be performed by customizable hot keys
- This tool will give you up to 10 clipboards, accessible with Hot-Keys
- Auto run option from start-up
- Easy installation
- no need for constant switching between ClipConsole and the other application like many other clipboard extenders
- ClipConsole has a small size
- No annoying popups or windows that eats your screen space
- ClipConsole just adds clipboards, leaving clipboard management "simple"


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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع ClipConsole v1.3.0.0 لحفظ ما تقوم بنسخه ومن ثم الرجوع اليه(الاثنين29-12):
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
( تعلم ) كيف تقوم بحفظ إعداداتك في Winrar ... حتى لا تقوم بكتابتها في كل مرة ... العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 1 12-24-2010 01:16 PM
ClipMate v7.3.14 Build 223 Retail بالتعاون مع النورس™ لحفظ كل ما تنسخه للرجوع اليه العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 02-05-2009 01:30 AM
Phase One Capture One PRO v4.5.1.23226بالتعاون مع النورس™(الاثنين29-12) العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 12-30-2008 12:11 AM
بالصورة ومن الان وصاعدا لن تفقد اى شى تقوم بنسخه صورة او رابط او نص الخ.. Al3asq أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-05-2008 07:58 PM

الساعة الآن 09:52 AM.

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