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CrazyPixels Campermanent 3.0.1-AHCU

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 11-19-2010, 03:23 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي CrazyPixels Campermanent 3.0.1-AHCU

CamPermanent is your personal digital security center! With the permanent recording functionality you can record videos in all sizes and length. Record from all your cameras nonstop around the clock. Adjust the video filesize so that the video contains always the last 24 hours, last 8 hours, last 3 days, etc.. If the selected videofilesize is reached the video is overwritten from the beginning. Thereby the video contains always the last minutes, hours, days from the current time backward.

CamPermanent supports WebCams, NetCams (IP-Cams) and all video devices which are working with an
up to date driver for Windows. All functions are working for all connected cameras parallel!
Additional CamPermanent includes a Network Server Client functionality to send the video from all cameras from one
server PC to all connected client PCs (RemoteCam) and it includes a Webserver for direct access of all camera
videos per simple HTTP request!

From CamPermanents point of view the cameras are divided into 3 groups.

NetCams (IP-Cams) which are accessible through their IP-address. These are cameras within your LAN, WAN or from the Internet. CamPermanent supports Netcams running in the still picture mode and Netcams which are streaming their video in the motion-JPEG (MJPEG) and in the MPEG-4 format!

WebCams and additional video devices like TV Tuner, grabber/capture cards, etc.. These cameras are mostly direct connected to the PC via USB, parallel port or built-in. If you are using several USB devices parallel, please know, that the USB bandwidth is the limit. Use active USB hubs in critical cases!

RemoteCams- These are all cameras which are receiving their video from a further instance of CamPermanent (CamLAN or CamUniversal). With the integrated Video Network it is possible to send and receive the video from all cameras which are running at a further instance of CamPermanent. All cameras of the first two categories could be a RemoteCam. So you could view all webcams connected to PC1 on all PCs connected to your network.

Permanent Video Recording
Like a professional digital recorder CamPermanent has the ability to record nonstop from all your cameras!

* record nonstop from all cameras (in a proprietary format)
* select the record length resp. video filesize
* if the maximum filesize is reached, the record starts from the beginning
* create for each camera one video which contains always the last 24 hours (or which period you like)
* create for each camera for every day a new video, so you have always videos from the last days
* use the scheduler to delete or move old videos to free harddisk space
* use the external CamPlayer to view all recorded videos after or while recording
* convert the recorded videos from the proprietary format into AVI
* adjust the video quality, fps, filesize
* permanent recording sessions could be started manually or via scheduler

Motion Detector
For professional and privat surveillance purposes there is a built-in motion detector available which has numerous functions.

* select which areas of the video picture are tested for motion
* select in which time range, on which days, in which intervals etc. the detector should work
* create several jobs for the motion detector which works with different settings by day, by night, weekdays, on the weekend
* select the functions which should be activated at detection of motion:
* permanent video recording
* email sending (with many options)
* FTP files uploading (with many options)
* normal video recording
* external program execution
* picture capturing (with many options)
* sound playing
* protocol generation
* displaying the video window fullscreen
* showing the video window (if before was hidden)

Additional there is a scheduler working for all further video demands. The scheduler works in all selectable time ranges and intervals, with so many functions, that every demand is fulfilled!
For example you could create a scheduler job,

* which runs from 8:00 to 11:00 and captures every 10 sec. a picture,
* additional create a job which FTP uploads all pictures and files from a selectable directory every day at 11:30
* additional create a job which FTP uploads every 60sec. a picture to your homepage
* additional create a job which records a video every Monday at 9:00 with a length of 5min.
* additional create a job which sends the last captured picture by email every day
* additional create a job which creates a new directory every day at 10:00 and moves all today captured pictures to it
* and much more ...

For each camera there could be unlimited jobs and each job has his own settings and functions!

All cameras and all functions are working simultaneous! The motion detector runs parallel to the scheduler.
Easily could the video picture of all cameras be uploaded in intervals to a webpage and additional all cameras within a company's LAN could work as a surveillance system!

Picture Capture
All pictures could be captured in different formats ( JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF ).
The picture resolution could be the original resolution or a custom resolution.
The picture could be colored, grayscale, black & white, with time, date or text output, with an overly logo image, with transparency or not. The picture filename could be built from a custom selected text, the current time, the current date and/or a number!

Standard Video Record
CamPermanent uses the DirectShow component of DirectX for the standard video recording. So you could use all in your system installed video and audio codecs and all installed video and audio devices for the video recording.
Additional CamPermanent supports a timestamp into the video. This timestamp could be the current time/date a usertext and additional a logo bitmap.

This standard video recording generates AVI video files in contrast to the permanent video recording which generates video files in a proprietary format! But these videos could also be converted into AVI.

DOWNLOAD : http://uploadstore.net/xtdcozfyqn9w/...3.0.1.rar.html

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع CrazyPixels Campermanent 3.0.1-AHCU:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
برنامج شـاهد ازيـد مـن 5000 قـناة عـلى حـاسوبك PC.Satellite TV Pro v1.0.0-AHCU العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 08-21-2009 08:00 AM

الساعة الآن 02:10 AM.

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