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قديم 06-10-2009, 06:10 PM
الصورة الرمزية العاشق 2005  
رقـم العضويــة: 365
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشـــاركـات: 94,808
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 85
افتراضي ABBYY PDF Transformer 2لتحويل ملفاتPDF إلى ,text.HTML.outlook.excel.word..

ABBYY PDF Transformer 2

و وظيفته تحويل صيغ ملفات PDF إلى برامج مايكروسوفت Office
مثل Word-Excel-outlook-Html-Text
و كذلك العمل عليها و طباعتها ...
و العديد من الخاصيات الأخرى للعادين و للمحترفين

صورة البرنامج

صورة البرنامج من الشركة المنتجة للبرنامج

حجمه مضغوط

البرنامج بعد فك الضغط و بعد فتحه يصبح حجمه أكثر من 128MB

خاصياته بالإنجليزية

ABBYY PDF Transformer lets you convert any PDF file into Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML, or TXT format. It helps you increase your productivity and efficiently convert PDF files, allowing you to reuse the extracted information in your favorite Microsoft Office applications. Based on ABBYY's award-winning FineReader OCR and Adobe® PDF Library technologies, PDF Transformer is the only conversion utility that can process any PDF file whether it was created by a scanner or multifunction peripheral, downloaded from the Internet, or generated from within applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel. ABBYY PDF Transformer also preserves the layout and formatting of the original PDF file when converting to Microsoft Word, Excel, and HTML.

Though PDF becomes a de-facto standard for electronic ********s, it sometimes can be challenging to work with, especially when you want to quote the text or make some changes. ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 can both convert PDF to editable files and create PDF from your ********s. You can even quickly turn scanned PDF images into searchable PDF files. You will enjoy using ABBYY PDF Transformer, as it not only captures text, like most other PDF converters, but also retains ******** layout and table structure. This powerful and friendly product will make you more productive than ever!

How do you edit and re-use information contained in PDF files that you receive? Have you ever found yourself retyping PDF ********s and wishing you could edit them, say, in Microsoft Word? Do you need to create PDFs so you can easily share ********s while maintaining their integrity?

If you work with PDF files or use the PDF format to share information, you can use ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 Pro to be more productive. This easy-to-use yet powerful program helps you to:
- Get quick access to a PDF file ******* so you can edit or repurpose it
- Easily convert your existing Office ********s, such as contracts or price lists, into PDF files so you can send them out as PDF attachments
- Make scanned PDF images searchable

ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 Pro is designed to increase office productivity. This versatile product combines PDF conversion and PDF creation functionalities. PDF Transformer instantly and accurately transforms any type of PDF file into editable formats like Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML or TXT. It also provides the ability to generate PDF files directly from a Microsoft Word ********, Excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint presentation or Visio diagram. In addition, the program allows creating PDF files from any Windows application using a PDF printer driver.

PDF Transformer has a straight-forward, instructive interface that makes the product very easy to use. It is designed for business professionals that want to get things done as efficiently as possible and do not want to spend extra time to deal with complicated software.

Key Features :

- Two-in-One PDF Conversion and Creation Utility
- Convert PDF to Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML and TXT
- Process ALL Types of PDF Files
- Convert Scanned PDF Images to Searchable PDFs
- Enhanced User Interface
- Manual Area Selection Tools
- Create PDF ********s from Microsoft Office Applications
- Send Created PDF Directly as E-mail Attachment
- Print-to-PDF Function from Any Windows Application
- Create Secured PDF Files
- Full Layout Retention
- Integrated with Microsoft Office Applications
- One-Click Conversion from Windows Explorer
- Support for Multiple Languages

What’s New in ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 Pro:

- ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 Pro combines two utilities in one – PDF conversion and PDF creation. It is designed for those who are looking for an easy-to-use, affordable, yet powerful program to convert PDFs to editable office ********s and generate PDF files from office applications.
- ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 Pro takes an intelligent approach to PDF conversion and with its core technology enhancements, offers increased overall conversion quality.
- The new version offers more than double the functionality of the previous version and adds clarity and ease of use. It provides users with a simple, instructive interface that makes the product easy to use. In addition, the new interface provides more control over the conversion processes.

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع ABBYY PDF Transformer 2لتحويل ملفاتPDF إلى ,text.HTML.outlook.excel.word..:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
ABBYY PDF Transformer 2لتحويل ملفاتPDF إلى ,text.HTML.outlook.excel.word.. العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 06-10-2009 05:00 PM
من الالف الى الياء word excel powerpoint outlook العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-21-2009 05:32 AM
من الالف الى الياء word excel powerpoint outlook العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-21-2009 05:01 AM
برنامج UltraEdit عملاق محرر النصوص للتعديل text, HEX, HTML, PHP,Java, وغ العاشق 2005 أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 05-13-2009 11:40 AM
Office 2003 Mini Edition - Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point Al3asq أرشيف قسم البرامج 0 09-16-2008 04:50 PM

الساعة الآن 07:08 PM.

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