02-03-2010, 03:11 PM
رقـم العضويــة: 31833
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 38
المشـــاركـات: 138
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
The Stepfather 2009 UNRATED DVDRip XviD-ARROW
Michael Harding (Penn Badgley) returns home from military school to find his mother Susan (Sela Ward), happily in love with a man known as David Harris (Dylan Walsh). He seems like the perfect father and husband to everyone - except Michael, who suspects that he isn't quite the man he seems to be.[1]
Along with his girlfriend Kelly (Amber Heard), his biological father Jay (Jon Tenney), and Susans friends (Paige Turco and Sherry Stringfield), they slowly start to piece together the mystery of the man who is set to become his stepfather, but they may be too late in getting to the truth.
In the end, David and Michael fall off the roof of their house and both are left unconcious. After being in a coma for a month Michael finds out from his girlfriend and his mom that David got away when the police showed up. The scene switches to The Stepfather working in a different area with a different name and he ends up meeting another woman with children
Genre: Action | Comedy | Crime | Mystery
Theatre Dateْْ[ October 16, 2009
Release Dateْْ[ January 9, 2010
Store Dateْْْْ[ February 9, 2010
IMDB Ratingْْْ[ 5.1/10 (1,368 votes)
Runtimeْْْْْْْ[ 102 Minutes
Genreْْْْْْْْْ[ Suspense | Horror
Videoْْْْْْْْْ[ 812 kbps
Audioْْْْْْْْْ[ 129 kbps vbr mp3
Resolutionْْْْ[ 640x272
Discsْْْْْْْْْ[ 1
Subsْْْْْْْْْْ[ English / French
IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0814335/
This is the UNRATED Director's Cut.
Audio Language: English
Hosted on: Hot File
no pass, enjoy!