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نغمة الحشرة اللعينة - مضحكة

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 05-20-2010, 11:14 AM
الصورة الرمزية همسات الامل  
رقـم العضويــة: 30268
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 38
المشـــاركـات: 1,896
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي نغمة الحشرة اللعينة - مضحكة

السلام عليكم

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نغمة الحشرة اللعينة



من هنا

قديم 05-20-2010, 06:10 PM   #2
عاشق جديد
الصورة الرمزية ijj1245
رقـم العضويــة: 47249
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
المشـــاركـات: 4
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10

Meet again, youve still okay

Again similar, long ago in Wenzhou, a city located in La Fong Ma pool house. Not remember the exact time is the date, but clearly when the night comes, the street outside a light Shan Lan. A08 I sat by the window seat, calmly waiting for her that there was no longer missing. Followed by the right corner of the bar, p90x the bar was mostly noticeable in the glass clear glass installed. In front of a piece of glass can be the road outside perspective glass, dealers who go out from time to time couple play and over; from time to time pedestrians hurriedly; as an urgent hurry to go home, they like to see some old friends, like me, with abundant energy and passion. Opposite the road is a state-owned bank, next to Victoria and also as if to give me such a person at this time chasing a landscape perspective. The right side of the wall is a portrait of the Indians with a spring, where it was carved in the ancient; that was Art. Lying on a soft sofa, and I feel there is a get a feeling of relaxation, p90 although the first time, just like had been here often before the general, not the kind of strangeness. Took out a cigarette in his mouth with clear to light, can I back into the pocket, I know: in fact she did not like the smell of. Listening to the sound between the top release of a song, a very familiar melody, Yes, Jolin Tsai that the first song, "Hello I know sorry." Remember do not like her songs, this song can be found in some of the words deeply touched my heart, p90x dvd especially the phrase "Yesterday was Valentine's, said today that the money or career," obviously true of the numerous me person's heart. Called water, first a glass of egg and milk ice, which I particularly like an iced coffee drink. I like Custard ice milk, coffee and egg yolk of mutual integration, that the bitter taste of the coffee into a sweet. I often likened to a family a cup of egg and milk ice fusion, father, coffee, milk, mother, and children are egg yolk, only they will be integrated into each other with tolerance! Soon after, she arrived, I got up and greet her, she motioned me to sit down. She sat down opposite me. I see her would almost not familiar with my previous month, and her hair is no longer the kind I like straight, is the kind of hot curly brown; even goes on I think that will accompany I had no idea my life face a heavy layer of powder coating; that never of makeup containing month now in front of me like a box of rouge, in addition to the lipstick lips still bright like Johnson; there has single-handedly Empress-like fingernails, and every nail was actually different patterns with different colors. "Maple: This is more than a year, your off days?" She first spoke. "Fortunately. You go to Shanghai shortly after I love it! I never thought you would come back to see me, I thought that Texas is the last side it --------"" She must be very nice? "Her voice has changed, become more woman. Is no longer the past that I would be worried about where are you silly girl, and seems to time a person can really look into another; time can really change a person's loss of self; time is really a terrible thing. No, time is not something! water brought a menu on the table, the "President does need to point one Miss it?" she has not read the menu, customary to an egg tart and a glass of sun rises in the east. "Excuse me, miss, there are no sun rises in the east we have this food, you see a change of something different? Us not only the restaurant chef's new value line package; also newly developed restaurant bar long Qian Mountain coconut milk , layers of fruit chestnut. "I clearly remember her sun rises in the east like a special tune apple juice, take her to pull each previous round she will point aromatic cup. I thought: this is not the only change she has it. To make her drink the sunrise in the east, I got up to the bar. There is no bar in front of my imagination so much, but it does display area in the middle of this piece, in this piece of environment gives extra comfort. Several tall handsome guy around near Yimi Qi, wearing a white shirt, black vest, black office was lined collar bow their clothing with the just right. I asked them to find there a drink called Dongsheng sunrise? Person in charge of a tie back: Has there, do nothing. I asked: So, you can give me a cup? My friends love ---- he opened the freezer looked fresh, and then I said: Yes, I can give you to do a cup, it will open another list on the name of the drink, because we are on the menu This drink is not a. I am particularly pleased after listening back seat to see her eyes full of tears valve, she knew why I am away, so she knew I had to be her heart. But, some things can not go back, some people can not go back. Cup sun rises in the east, in her palm grip tightly, she light puff straw, the taste has not changed, but she could not bear to drink. Cup that touch of red as her stirring slowly from the bottom up to cup the top, with the pale, the whole drink into a light brown yellow blushing. From her conversation that she was going to Shanghai soon after, met a large more than 10 years of age than her real estate business owner, she said they live together. --- Heard here, I could not help the tears dripping down that big drop, the eyes, dripping onto the egg and milk ice, and then when the drink is no longer a sense of sweet taste, is a salty tears . She took out a tissue from the bag for me to clean, do not care to touch the candle light, burn her hand, she said nothing. Green'll get, like me, the heart may have been torn to pieces. Yes ah, every word and sentence you have hurt me, why you abuse your own way, before we are together how happy, how happy. And the point for us because of lack of understanding of small, non-inclusive made it to now. Even sitting close to what can and then the middle is still a block of the desktop, can not cling tightly together; can even sit on the couch with a can how? Our hearts still have a heart of stone blocks. She took out two boxes of cash in envelopes, a box said to my parents, a cassette back to her parents. She said people called back to see her parents, and even more did not go back to see my parents face. She said I'm sorry, I can not do the daughter of Alex. I see her sobbing the whole body trembling, she is really a pain, regardless of her desk next to a stranger's eyes, put his mind at this moment, all the emotional catharsis out. Yes ah! We have Liangxiaowucai, childhood. However, from mountainous in the changed, in the City had changed. We started bickering, the Cold War, and then began to bother each other, and then another out of sight of each other and live their other Cave. The thought that we could no longer missing, but we still met; thought not want to know each other through the good or bad, can we think of ways to know; that QQ delete the phrase again and again, add another delete; that the log was then plan, plan to write another; that pulled blacklist phone numbers several times, but also many from the phone book look up; that picture saw another tear, tear and went wash, washing out another tear; it pains hurt feelings , another injury pain, pain to the heartless creature, injury to the scars. May eventually want to find about you; about you now; about your current living environment; on your current preferences; about you now chase; the other half of you are now. However, with months. What do you know: You left this year I am actually still a human being, do not want to talk about feelings. But what do you know: we were misunderstanding can gently untie. Just when we were too wayward, and that the loss of the other equally well-off. We just less trust; less communication; stripped each other's tenderness. We all hold the idea of punishing each other, but whole life to play. This is expensive! How about you need to do so can be their own, non-do dwelling in Guo algae. Time went by really fast, instant really late. Fang pull out of the house, we will go to two different directions, we are like two trains in different directions, we can only travel in their orbits, we can not drive out of its orbit, or is self- get destroyed. Only the occasional chance encounter each other at some sites, we can be looked at each other about each other, asking each other 1: Do you have a good or bad. I would like to: share of explanation has not explained, because it is really too late. There is a love that is so obviously two people love each other, but why it can not be together; have a love like this, knowing that the other is the heart loves, but stronger already installed does not matter; have a love like this, when not properly be treasure, lost time and regret; there is a love that is so obviously not happy without the other party, has chosen to say its alright.
ijj1245 غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 05-21-2010, 04:59 PM   #3
مشرف سابق
الصورة الرمزية الكناري
رقـم العضويــة: 28254
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
العـــــــــــمــر: 38
المشـــاركـات: 1,565
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
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افتراضي رد: نغمة الحشرة اللعينة - مضحكة

الكناري غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 11-10-2010, 11:52 AM   #4
عاشق ذهبي
الصورة الرمزية i love z
رقـم العضويــة: 70648
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 33
المشـــاركـات: 2,085
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 15

افتراضي رد: نغمة الحشرة اللعينة - مضحكة

i love z غير متواجد حالياً  

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