Faronics Data Igloo allows Deep Freeze users to exempt specified data folders, entire user profiles, or even registry keys from being Frozen by redirecting them to a Thawed partition (or ThawSpace), while keeping the operating system partition completely protected.
Simple – No need to learn about NTFS Junction Points or complicated procedures to create data redirection. Intuitive and easy to use, Data Igloo allows users to redirect data or user profiles in just a few minutes without any training. A simple point and click interface allows users to select the source data, select the target ThawSpace, and move the data. Any future changes or new data will automatically be redirected and saved on the designated Thawed partition.
Seamless – The End User is unaware of any changes as Data Igloo’s redirection of data renders it invisible to the End User. Everything on the workstation looks and functions as before. End Users are not required to learn new workflows nor do they need any additional training.
Safe – Data Igloo allows users to retain vital data across restarts on a Frozen workstation. Since this data is stored in a Thawed partition, the operating system is still on a Frozen partition and remains fully protected. Retained data can include, user created files, documents, settings, favorites, AV Updates or even entire user profiles. You also have the option to migrate security permissions for profiles or folders, if desired.