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Toontrack Beatstation STANDALONE VST RTAS v1.0.2 x86

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 11-21-2010, 02:45 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 33
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي Toontrack Beatstation STANDALONE VST RTAS v1.0.2 x86

At its core, Beatstation marks the next step in Toontracks evolution of creating virtual instruments that are both simple and effective to use but also very powerful sound design & music production tools. Offering drum, bass and lead instrument creation & arrangement with drag and drop simplicity, Beatstation is your "go to" instrument for quickly getting a full groove up and running in no time at all. As if thats not enough, weve also added full MIDI & REX file support. Couple those features with the flexibility of working in Beatstation as a stand alone instrument or an AU, RTAS or VST plugin inside your favorite DAW and Beatstation becomes a creative musical force to be reckoned with.

Beatstation comes standard with a 1.5 Gb core content library packed full of beautifully recorded instrument patches, loop ready REX files and even completely customizable MIDI arrangements.

If you can think of a sound, Beatstation can help you bring it to life.

Beatstation also lets you use and combine all of your existing Toontrack EZX & SDX drum libraries together to create one of a kind drum kits and sounds. From basic musical sketches to lavish complete productions - Beatstation gives you the tools and freedom to design your own musical agenda any way you want to.

Release Info:
Toontrack.Beatstation.STANDALONE.VST.RTAS.v1.0.2.x 86-ASSiGN

DOWNLOAD : http://uploadstore.net/qy5177rdl00c/...o.rar.rar.html


ظپظٹ ط¬ظˆظ‡ط±ظ‡ط§ طŒ Beatstation ظٹظ…ط«ظ„ ط§ظ„ط®ط·ظˆط© ط§ظ„طھط§ظ„ظٹط© ظپظٹ طھط·ظˆط± Toontracks ط®ظ„ظ‚ ط§ظ„ط£ط¯ظˆط§طھ ط§ظ„ط§ظپطھط±ط§ط¶ظٹط© ط§ظ„طھظٹ ظ‡ظٹ ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط*ط¯ ط³ظˆط§ط، ط¨ط³ظٹط·ط© ظˆظپط¹ط§ظ„ط© ظ„ط§ط³طھط®ط¯ط§ظ… ظˆظ„ظƒظ† ط£ظٹط¶ط§ ظ‚ظˆظٹط© ط¬ط¯ط§ طھطµظ…ظٹظ… ط§ظ„طµظˆطھ & ط£ط¯ظˆط§طھ ط¥ظ†طھط§ط¬ ط§ظ„ظ…ظˆط³ظٹظ‚ظ‰. طھظ‚ط¯ظ… ط·ط¨ظ„ طŒ ط§ظ„ط¨طµ طŒ ظˆطھط¤ط¯ظٹ & ط®ظ„ظ‚ طھط±طھظٹط¨ ط§ظ„طµظƒ ظ…ط¹ ط§ظ„ط¨ط³ط§ط·ط© ط§ظ„ط³ط*ط¨ ظˆط§ظ„ط¥ط³ظ‚ط§ط· طŒ Beatstation ط§ظ„ط®ط§طµ ط¨ظƒ ظ‡ظˆ "ط§ظ„ط°ظ‡ط§ط¨ ط¥ظ„ظ‰" ط£ط¯ط§ط© ظ„ظ„ط*طµظˆظ„ ط¨ط³ط±ط¹ط© ط£ط®ط¯ظˆط¯ ظƒط§ظ…ظ„ ظˆطھط¹ظ…ظ„ ظپظٹ ط£ظٹ ظˆظ‚طھ ظ…ظ† ط§ظ„ط£ظˆظ‚ط§طھ ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط§ظ„ط¥ط·ظ„ط§ظ‚. ظˆظƒط£ظ† ط°ظ„ظƒ ظ„ظٹط³ ظƒط§ظپظٹط§ طŒ ظˆظ…ط§ ط£ط¹ظ„ظ…ظ‡ ط¬ظٹط¯ط§ ظˆط£ط¶ط§ظپ ط£ظٹط¶ط§ ظ…ظ„ظپ ظƒط§ظ…ظ„ ظ…ظٹط¯ظٹ ط±ظƒط³ & ط§ظ„ط¯ط¹ظ…. ط²ظˆط¬ظٹظ† ظ…ط¹ طھظ„ظƒ ط§ظ„ظ…ظٹط²ط§طھ ط§ظ„ظ…ط±ظˆظ†ط© ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ط¹ظ…ظ„ ظپظٹ Beatstation ط¨ط§ط¹طھط¨ط§ط±ظ‡ط§ طھظ‚ظپ ظˆط*ط¯ظ‡ط§ ط£ط¯ط§ط© ط£ظˆ ظˆط§ظ„ط§طھط*ط§ط¯ ط§ظ„ط§ظپط±ظٹظ‚ظٹ ط§طھظپط§ظ‚ط§طھ ط§ظ„طھط¬ط§ط±ط© ط§ظ„ط¥ظ‚ظ„ظٹظ…ظٹط© ط£ظˆ ظپط³طھ ط§ظ„ظ…ط³ط§ط¹ط¯ ط¯ط§ط®ظ„ ط´ط¹ط¨ط© ط§ظ„ظ†ظ‡ظˆط¶ ط¨ط§ظ„ظ…ط±ط£ط© ط§ظ„ظ…ظپط¶ظ„ط© ظ„ط¯ظٹظƒ ظˆBeatstation طھطµط¨ط* ظ‚ظˆط© ط®ظ„ط§ظ‚ط© ظ…ظˆط³ظٹظ‚ظٹط© ظ„ط§ ظٹط³طھظ‡ط§ظ† ط¨ظ‡ط§.

DOWNLOAD : http://uploadstore.net/qy5177rdl00c/...o.rar.rar.html

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