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EasyBoot 5.1

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 03-12-2011, 03:32 PM
الصورة الرمزية business2010  
رقـم العضويــة: 75419
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 558
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
افتراضي EasyBoot 5.1

EasyBoot 5.1 | 2.61 MB

EasyBoot is a useful and easy-to-use application that lets you to make custom multi-boot, menu driven CDs and DVDs. It has the ability to automatically produce boot image files, and generate the ISO file as well.

Using your CD-R/W Recording software such as Nero or Roxio to Record the ISO, you get a bootable CD that completely belongs to you. You can customize it with your companies name or slogan or even use it for your clients.

EasyBoot can:
1. Realize local language, multiple selections, and colorful menus.
2. Create screen layouts, Insert text, menu bars and function keys with a full GUI
3. Preview the actual effects during the design process.
4. Automatically generate boot loader and menu files.
5. Directly build bootable ISO files that are ready to burn.

Additional details:
1. Full Graphical User Interface, it is easy to learn for everyone.
2. Only adds one additional file to the root directory of your CD, does not destroy the original native style.
3. Supports up to 36 menu items.
4. Supports Up, Down, Left, Right and Tab keys to select menus, Enter and Spacebar keys to boot.
5. Supports User-Defined accelerated keys (such as 0-9, a-z) to directly select menu item.
6. Supports User-Defined function keys (such as Esc, F1-F12) to directly boot selected option.
7. You can choose Run Directly or Select for the execution mode of the accelerated keys.
8. You can choose translate all input key to small letter or capital letter.
9. Supports User-Defined cursor key movement, so you can freely layout the screen menu.
10. Supports Sub-menus to create extremely complex boot CD's.
11, supports startup logo
12, supports background image
13, supports time counter
14, supports password pretection to bootable CD
15. Convenient but powerful edit functions
16. Built in ISO image generation feature, with advanced feature such as Optimize and Set Date/Time.

How to Installation
You need to execute a setup program writing obscure data to your registry or updating DLLs

in your Windows system folder. Simply proceed as follows:
1. Unzip the downloaded archive EasyBoot.zip completely into this directory
2. Run Setup.EXE
3. Follow the instructions.
4. Double click on Reg.reg and press "Yes".


EasyBoot_.rar.rar.zip - 2.6 MB

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