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naruto storm 2 titles

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 08-21-2011, 04:11 PM
الصورة الرمزية stranger  
رقـم العضويــة: 81581
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2010
العـــــــــــمــر: 34
المشـــاركـات: 78
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 10
naruto storm 2 titles

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
وشلونكم يا اعضاء المنتدى
موجود تحت كل العناوين والطريقة اللي تقدر تجيبها
واي استفسار اترك رد تحت وانا حاضر

Type: Gold
Description: You've acquired all titles.

Tips: This is definitely the hardest trophy in the game. There are 157 of them,
and they're going to take a long time to get. Fortunately, I've put together a
full list of all of them, and how to get them.

The big list of titles:

001| Shinobi: You get this automatically at the start (Ultimate Adventure)

002| Striking: Perform a combo of at least 40 hits (any mode)

003| Ninjutsu: Win a battle with the final blow being a Ninjutsu attack

004| Ultimate Jutsu: Win a battle with the final blow being an Ultimate
Ninjutsu attack

005| Bond: Win a battle, with the final blow being a support character's
attack. Team Ultimate Jutsu attacks work well for this

006| Fox Spirit: Win a battle while using an Awakening

007| Bare: Win a battle with less than 5% of your health remaining

008| Iron-Clad: Win a battle with a perfect victory

009| Overwhelmingly Victorious: Win a battle in 20 seconds or less
(Free Battle is best)

010| Ramen-loving: Fight 30 battles as Naruto Uzumaki

011| Peaceful: Fight 30 battles as Naruto Uzumaki (Sennin Mode)

012| Uchiha Clan: Fight 30 battles as Uchiha Sasuke

013| Taka: Fight 30 battles as Sasuke Uchiha (Akatsuki)

014| Sparkling Maiden's Heart: Fight 30 battles as Sakura Haruno

015| Root: Fight 30 battles as Sai

016| Taijustsu: Fight 30 battles as Rock Lee

017| Byakugan: Fight 30 battles as Neji Hyuga

018| Fully-armored: Fight 30 battles as Tenten

019| Nara Clan: Fight 30 battles as Shikamaru Nara

020| Akimichi Clan: Fight 30 battles as Choji Akimichi

021| Yamanaka Clan: Fight 30 battles as Ino Yamanaka

022| Inuzuka Clan: Fight 30 battles as Kiba Inuzuka

023| Aburame Clan: Fight 30 battles as Shino aburame

024| Hyuga Clan: Fight 30 battles as Hinata Hyuga

025| Jinchuriki: Fight 30 battles as Gaara

026| Precious Junior Student: Fight 30 battles as Kankuro

027| Older Sister: Fight 30 battles as Temari

028| Masked: Fight 30 battles as KaKashi Hatake

029| First Hokage: Fight 30 battles as Yamato

030| Hot-Blooded: Fight 30 battles as Gai Maito

031| In Training: Fight 30 battles as Asuma Sarutobi

032| Reanimated: Fight 30 battles as Chiyo

033| Mount Myoboku: Fight 30 battles as Jiraya

034| Fifth Hokage: Fight 30 battles as Tsunade

035| Seeker: Fight 30 battles as Orochimaru

036| Subordinate: Fight 30 battles as Kabuto

037| Little Brother: Fight 30 battles as Suigetsu Hozuki

038| The Curse Mark: Fight 30 battles as Juugo

039| Clumsy: Fight 30 battles as Karin

040| Older Brother: Fight 30 battles as Itachi Uchiha

041| Renegade: Fight 30 battles as Kisame

042| Upperclassman: Fight 30 battles as Deidara

043| Human Puppet: Fight 30 battles as Sasori

044| Way of Jashin: Fight 30 battles as Hidan

045| Human Wallet: Fight 30 battles as Kakuzu

046| Strongest: Fight 30 battles as Tobi

047| Beautiful: Fight 30 battles as Konan

048| The Real: Fight 30 battles as Pain

049| Punster: Fight 30 battles as Killer Bee

050| The Fourth Hokage: Complete 30 battles as Minato

051| The Main Character: Finish 'The Bell-Stealing Drill'

052| The warring tribe's: Finish Chapter 5 (Ultimate Adventure)

053| Novelist: Fight against Pain as Jiraiya (part of Ultimate Adventure)

054| One Who Walks The Way Of The Ninja: Finish Last Chapter

055| Eight Tails Hunter: Finish Fragment (Ultimate Adventure)

056| A Fresh New Ninja: Complete the 10 trials (Ultimate Adventure)

057| A Hardworking Ninja to the core: Not sure (part of the story)

058| One Who Overcomes Darkness: Defeat the cursed doll that looks like
Orochimaru (Curse Doll request mission)

059| Once Who Excels In Everything: Complete all the events (see
'Conquered all events' trophy) (Ultimate Adventure)

060| Full Marks For Friendship: Play through the story

061| Well-off: Spend 100,000 Ryo in the shops

062| Rich: Spend 500,000 Ryo in the shops

063| Very rich: Spend 1,000,000 Ryo in the shops

064| Part-timer: Open the shop menu 30 times

065| Poster Girl: Open the shop menu 60 times

066| Store Manager: Open the shop menu 100 times

067| Control: Fulfil the bonus condition in every battle in the 'Challenge
Main Battle Again' feature of the Hokage's Room post-game. You can track
these, they are the red stars shown underneath the rank listed next to
each vs battle.

068| Medical: Eat 10 bentos (Ultimate Adventure)

069| Capricious: You have to be in lucky state (pray at one of the
statues), and find a Jackpot Lottery item in one of the little signs you
can knock over to reveal objects in Konoha.

070| Earnest: Collect 30 Empty Can items. You can find these in the little
signs you can knock over to reveal objects in Konoha (Ultimate Adventure)

071| Sly: Collect 30 Pachinko Ball items. You can find these in the little
signs you can knock over to reveal objects in Konoha (Ultimate Adventure)

072| The Hidden Village's: Unlock Hokage Naruto

073| Second Hokage: Get the Ninja Info Card which has a picture of the
Second Hokage (you get it from the card shop in one of the packs)

074| Third Hokage: Watch all of the Story View videos in the Hokage's Room
post-game. You don't have to go through the whole scene, you can skip it
by pressing the start button. As long as the '!' symbol next to it
disappears, you're good.

075| Student: Watched all Ultimate Jutsu videos in the Collection menu.
You don't have to watch the whole video, you can skip them with circle.
As long as the '!' symbol next to it disappears, you're good.

076| Mission: Replay every battle in the 'Challenge Main Battle Again'
feature of the Hokage's Room post-game. This goes hand-in-hand
with title number 067.

077| Trusty: Caught 5 birds

078| Naive: Investigated 50 mushrooms

079| Secret: Use 20 Warp Scrolls (you can buy them from the Item Shop)

080| Certainly Victorious: 10 ranked wins online.

081| Explosively Advancing: 20 ranked wins online.

082| Dojo Breaker: 30 ranked wins online.

083| One's Own Ruler: 40 ranked wins online.

084| Omnipotent: 50 ranked wins online.

085| Underdog: Lose 10 ranked matches

086| Survivor: Lose 20 ranked matches

087| Ninja: Earn 10,000 SP

The rest of the titles are exactly like 087, you'll earn them
automatically as you collect SP while playing. A neat trick to make the
'Fight 30 battles as' titles go fast is that if you go into free battle
mode and start a game with a second player who has the same character as
you have (for example: Tobi vs Tobi) it will count twice. So instead of
playing as him 30 times you just need to play as him 15 times

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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع naruto storm 2 titles:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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