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Camera FV-5 v1.32

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 11-05-2012, 01:50 AM
الصورة الرمزية Frank  
رقـم العضويــة: 104191
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2011
المشـــاركـات: 83
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 14
افتراضي Camera FV-5 v1.32

Camera FV-5 v1.32

Camera FV-5 v1.32 Apk | 1 MB |
Requires Android:2.2 and up

App Review:
Tailored to enthusiast and professional photographers, with this camera application you can capture the best raw photographs so that you can post-process them later and get stunning results. The only limit is your imagination and creativity!Major features:
• All photographic parameters are adjustable and always at hand: exposure compensation, ISO, light metering mode, focus mode, white balance and program mode.
• DSLR-like viewfinder display: see exposure time, aperture and stops display with EV and bracketing settings.
• Full fledged exposure bracketing: from 3 to 7 frames, unlimited stops spacing, plus custom EV shifting.
• Built-in intervalometer: make stunning timelapses (even bracketed/HDR timelapses) and time-controlled picture series.
• Program and Speed-priority modes.
• Long exposure support: take beautiful night photos and light trails with long exposure times up to 60 seconds*.
• JPEG as well as RAW (PNG**) image formats for lossless photo capturing, perfect for post-processing.
• EXIF and XMP sidecar metadata support.
• Self timer for delayed shooting.
• Autofocus, macro, touch-to-focus*** and infinity focus modes, plus a focus lock switch (AF-L).
• In background photo developing and processing allows a smooth, uninterrupted camera operation.This camera application completely avoids scene modes, instead you get full manual control over all photographic parameters, just like you do with a reflex camera, so you can ultimately control every aspect of the picture, and leave the post-processing to the computer. So after your DSLR, you will never miss a photo opportunity again, being able to capture it with the closer sensation to your DSLR as possible.


Camera FV-5 v1.32



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الساعة الآن 06:33 PM.

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