قسم الأرشيف والمواضيع المحذوفة قسم خاص بجميع المواضيع المحذوفة و المُكررة والتي لاتنطبق على الشروط والقوانين والتي لا شأن لها في أي قسم من أقسام المُنتدى |
هل تريد انشاء موقع تسوق اليك Interspire Shopping Cart 4.0 VENDOR - Nulled
هل تريد انشاء موقع تسوق اليك Interspire Shopping Cart 4.0 VENDOR - Nulled العملاق ومنزوع الكود
e Interspire Shopping Cart was designed with you, the store owner in mind. It runs from your web browser and can be completely customized without editing any HTML files. Combine this with unmatched ease-of-use, built-in marketing tools and business intelligence, and you have fully-featured shopping cart software that contains everything you need to succeed online. Interspire Shopping Cart 4.0 VENDOR - Nulled by TrioxXInterspire Shopping Cart 4.0 VENDOR - Nulled by TrioxXInterspire Shopping Cart 4.0 VENDOR - Nulled by TrioxXInterspire Shopping Cart 4.0 VENDOR - Nulled by TrioxX Be Up and Running in Minutes Choose one of the included store designs, type the **** for your logo and you're new store is live! Easy-To-Use Control Panel Manage every aspect of your store from the Interspire Shopping Cart control panel in your browser. Customize Your Entire Store Use drag and drop to customize your store from your browser. No code changes required! Built-In Business Intelligence Conversion rates, best selling products, top customers - It's all here. Important Features at a Glance Beautiful Store Designs Choose from dozens of industry-specific, professionally designed store layouts. Drag & Drop Design Mode Arrange your store how you like it using just the mouse. No HTML knowledge required. Easy Shipping & Payment Setup Integrate your store with all major providers including UPS, PayPal and Google Checkout. Built-In Inventory Tracking Choose from multiple inventory tracking options, all tied into your order system. Sell Physical & Digital Items Flexible products system make it easy to sell everything from t-shirts to eBooks. Extensive Use of AJAX Near instant page loads make it easier for you and your shoppers to get things done. Advanced Product Variations Create product variations (such as different colors and sizes) in just a few clicks. Integrate With Interspire Products Add email marketing and self-serve FAQ's to your store with just a few clicks. Integrates With Popular Payment and Shipping Providers Interspire Shopping Cart integrates with the world's most popular payment and shipping providers, including Google Checkout, PayPal, UPS, USPS and FedEx. For a complete list of supported payment and shipping providers, see the features page. [Features page] http//www.interspire.com/shoppingcart/features.php Whats new in V4? Payment Providers Let's start with the new payment providers integrated into version 4.0: Amazon Flexible Payments Amazon.com SimplePay Beanstream Camtech Cardservice International ChronoPay API ChronoPay Hosted Page Cybersource E-Xact HSBC Secure ePayments Innovate Gateway MIGS MoneyBookers MyVirtual merchant NetBanx Netbilling NetRegistry NoChex Payment Express Pay Payment Express Post PayPal Payflow Links PayPal Website payments pro PayLeap PayStation Plug N Play Protx VPS direct PSIGate.com Quantum Gateway Realex SecurePay Australia (formerly CamTech) USA ePa New Features Version 4.0 will be a major upgrade and will be provided free to all existing Interspire Shopping Cart customers. We have managed to include an astounding number of new (and highly requested) featres in the 4.0 release, as shown below:[*]Line item shipping (option for different shipping addresses for each item in the cart)[*]Ability to tag products with keywords and view the tag cloud on the front end[*]Gift wrapping and the ability to choose if individual products support it[*]The ability to mark individual items in an order as shipped one at a time[*]Product variations can now handle dozens of combnations and have been rewritten to be faster[*]Ability to upload an image or type **** into a box when adding a product to your cart (for custom t-shirts, etc)[*]Ability to add/edit customers in the control panel[*]Bulk/quantity discounts on a per-product level[*]RoyalMail shipping integration[*] Ability to add/edit orders in the control panel[*] Ability to add/edit customers in the control panel[*] Support for 20+ new payment gateways (see the list)[*] Bulk/quantity discounts on a per-product level[*] The ability to mark individual items in an order as shipped one at a time[*] Gift wrapping and the ability to choose if individual products support it[*] Ability to upload an image and/or type **** into a box when adding a product to your cart (for custom t-shirts, etc)[*]Line item shipping (option for different shipping addresses for each item in the cart)[*] 10 new, industry-specific store templates[*] Ability to tag products with keywords and view the tag cloud on the front end[*] Product variations can now edited once created and are 5x faster[*] RoyalMail shipping integration[*] Customers can add a note when placing an order[*] Improved QuickBooks support and synching[*] Login as a customer from the control panel[*] UPS online tools shipping quotes[*] Delayed authorize/capture for Authorize.net and PayPal New Store Templates Version 4.0 will include new store templates, all created by our design team. Multi-Vendor Edition The multi-vendor edition allows one store to sell products from multiple vendors, and each vendor can manage their own products, inventory, process their own orders, etc. The multi-vendor edition includes a granular vendor-level permissions system, per-vendor reporting and accounting features, powerful per-vendor shipping zone setup and customization, vendor profiles and more. Little Informations about this release: This release contains the vendor license. It comes also with all templates for ISC V4. All callbacks to interspire/buildertemplates (also interspire!) are removed and all links are masked with anonym DOT to. [Demo] http://www.interspire.com/shoppingcart/godemo.php [Download] http://2co.col7aga.com/527227649/ [Password] www.bibdo.com شرح التركيب مرفق + اللاسكربت بيدعم طرق دفع كتيره جدا جدا |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع هل تريد انشاء موقع تسوق اليك Interspire Shopping Cart 4.0 VENDOR - Nulled: | ||||
الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
تريد ان تنتقم من زوجتك ؟! اليك هذه الطرق المضحكة | Đαяқ Ąʼnĝễĺ | قسم النُكَتْ والألغاز | 7 | 10-26-2009 01:43 PM |
هل تريد ان تتعلم كل ما يتعلق بالكمبيوتر من الصفر وحتى الاحتراف .. اليك هذه الاسطوانة | العاشق 2005 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 10-10-2009 12:20 AM |
شرح هل تريد امتلاك موقع مجانا؟؟هل تريد أن تأخذ ذهب ترافيان مجانا؟؟هل تريد أي شيء بالا | العاشق 2005 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 1 | 04-28-2009 10:37 AM |
هل تريد حماية خصوصيتك واخفاء ال ip الخاص بك .. اذاً اليك ....... | العاشق 2005 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 01-03-2009 08:40 PM |
انشاء بريد على موقع mail | العاشق 2005 | أرشيف قسم البرامج | 0 | 10-20-2008 07:01 PM |