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قسم نقاشات المانجا قسم يَختصُّ بالنقاش عن المانجا والسبويلرات

قديم 03-15-2018, 01:39 PM
الصورة الرمزية яєɒ єчэ  
رقـم العضويــة: 159685
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012
المشـــاركـات: 336
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 26
افتراضي سبويلر هانتر x هانتر 378 || Hunter x Hunter 378 Spoiler

السلام عليكم ..

السبويلر السابق مُزيّف

السبويلر الأصلي:

A bunch of new info regarding the mafia families is revealed. The mafia bosses are apparently all illegitimate children/relatives of Nasubi Huiguorou. One of them (Morena) has an ability to spread an "epidemic" which allows the "infected" to gain levels each time they kill a person. At high enough levels a new ability will manifest, and at even higher levels they get to form their own community.

Nobunaga, Phinks, and Feitan go into the warehouse to get their smuggled weapons. The mafioso who is supposed to guide them disappears mysteriously, and returns as a corpse. Phinks and Feitan shrug it off and continue looking for their weapons, leaving Nobunaga confused because he is the only one concerned about the sudden dead guy.

Mizaistom has a case at hand. Twenty people have been mysteriously murdered. According to the testimony of some survivor, the culprit is a twenty-something man of around 185-190cm in height, with a crescent-shaped scar on his left cheek. A person who fits that description spies on Nobunaga, Phinks, and Feitan from a tear in space. He is Level 21 (from the previous epidemic ability).

CHAPTER 378 Balance

Bosses of the mafia families are talking through the phone

Head of the Xi-Yu Family: O'Neal Longbao. Half-sibling of Nasubi Huiguorou (illegitimate child). Patron: Third Prince Zhang Lei.

Head of the Cha-R Family: Brocco Lee. Half-sibling of Nasubi Huiguorou (illegitimate child). Patron: Seventh Prince Luzurus.

O'Neal The Spider...? ...I see. That does sound like a problem. "Balance" is important. Material goods are finite; the more people to share it, the less everyone's portion is. In order for "those who have" to keep on having, there needs to be a lot of "deprived people." That, is balance.

O'Neal The same goes for "power." There needs to be even more delicate adjustments, from extortion to war. Military power is the most effective method for a rapid redistribution of wealth. And that is all the more reason why "those who have not" should not be given "power."

Brocco Those thugs... do not have the proper manners one would expect from people with "power." They are an aberrant bunch who stick out even among the Meteor City. It will be very troublesome to "adjust" with them. They don't bother hiding their claws, and they behave like brutes with no attachment to both life and death. They are so bad, some of our younger members even secretly idolize them.

O'Neal Heheh, speaking of which... That sounds a lot like someone who recently became head of his family by breaking rules.

Brocco ...What do you want me to say?

O'Neal Nothing, just... You know, even if we don't do anything on our part, birds of a feather will clash one day.

Brocco Hence our talk about adjusting that "one day" dammit.

O'Neal Heheheh.

After their phone conversation, each of the bosses give his instruction to his henchman

Henchman of the Cha-R Family: Ou Ken'i (NOTE: Wang Jianyi? Sounds like it's intended to be Chinese)

Henchman of the Xi-Yu Family: Hinrigi Bigandafno (NOTE: I have given up trying to romanize this one. Anyone got ideas?)

O'Neal and Brocco Hey!

Ou and Hinrigi Yessir.

O'Neal and Brocco Smoke out Hisoka before the Spider does...!

Ou and Hinrigi Yes, sir!

Ou Gather squad leaders from every sector, and tell them whoever can provide useful information gets 10 million!

Subordinate Roger!

Ou 10 million to anyone who finds Hisoka, and 10 million to the squad leader of the finder's sector! Make good use of the connection among laborers!

Sub Boss, you know... our opponent (Hisoka) is apparently a Floor Master of the Heaven's Arena.

Ou I know. That's how he got the beef with the Spider's leader.

Sub I doubt folks like us can capture him...

Ou You idiot! Who said you need to go that far?

Hinrigi Obtain the passenger's list from the national military and start looking up male solo passengers!

Sub Aye!

Hinrigi And if that gets us nowhere, next look up families of 3 and above that include elderlies and children!

Sub Uh, I understand the first, but why the second...?

Hinrigi Because it's the most unlikely, stupid! If you got no hits looking up solo passengers it means the guy exercised caution to be undetected, and naturally he must have pulled a trick. Although the most likely scenario is for him to have smuggled himself onboard. It's very hard to do, but if successful it's like finding a needle in a haystack. Ask the Queen to get the troops to patrol around and verify passenger IDs and tickets!

Ou and Hinrigi Find him, and I'll do the rest...!

Head of the Heil-Ly Family: Morena Prude (Level 45). Illegitimate daughter of Nasubi Huiguorou and his mistress. Patron: Fourth Prince Tserriednich

Morena First of all, allow me to express my gratitude. Thank you very, very much! I am deeply grateful to every one of you who would follow me, even though I am your junior... and I ordered you to "kill each other" during the event of my succession! But you see, I don't give two shits about this world or anything in it, including myself. So let's destroy it, somehow, with just the 23 of us here.

Morena Now then, as promised I will grant you all power. Please come here, one by one...

Morena kisses a girl who approaches her

Ability name: Etude of Love (Bacteria Contamination)

Through the saliva of Member #0 (Morena), the number of Members (infected people) will increase (up to 23 persons including Morena herself). The infected Members will gain levels by killing people, and increase their aura amount and power. A unique ability will manifest once a Member hits Level 20. Once a Member hits Level 100, they will become Member #0 and become capable of forming their own infectious Community.

Morena Common folks are worth 1 level. Nen users are 10 levels. If you kill a Prince you will gain 50 levels. Well then, best of luck to you all. Have fun...

(Togashi's notes about ن؛Œç·ڑ者 (Nisenmono), which I will translate as "The Fakondary Princes")

The word comes from ن؛Œç·ڑç´ڑ (Nisenkyu, "secondary/inferior") and هپ½ç‰© (Nisemono, "fake"). It refers to descendants of the King who cannot become legitimate heirs to the throne. Fakondary Princes have their faces slit with a twin blade as soon as they are born, and are allowed to live only under the condition that they will never make a public appearance in their entire life.

Morena To selfishly sire, doubt, fear, shun, hurt, and then forgive. Fufufu... so ridiculous it is laughable. ...

Morena (But I like this scar. Without it I would have leaned towards dying. It is thanks to this scar that I achieved my balance... that I want to persevere, even just a little bit, to destroy this shithole of a world.)

(NOTE: From here on, it's not clear which speech bubble belongs to whom, although it's definitely one of the three Spiders.)

? The Cha-R Family controls all commodities in tier 5.

? The Xi-Yu Family acccumulates wealth with profit margin from the distribution of goods and humans in tier 4.

? The Heil-Ly Family's main source of income is through mediating illegal transactions with the upper class.

? Shall we leave tier 5 to the Buor Family and try searching tier 4?

Nobunaga Before that, I'll procure my weapon in the warehouse.

Phinks I'll go too. There's something I want.

Feitan Me too, the trick umbrella that I hid among the black-market goods very important.

Nobunaga ...What? You guys gonna babysit me now?

Phinks Well, that sounds about right.

Nobunaga You've gotta be shitting me. I'm going alone!

Feitan No can do, in the first place Nobunaga you've also once acknowledged Hisoka's ability as superior, we'll hunt him will all our power.

Phinks I'm not gonna give that piece of shit even the faintest ray of hope.

Feitan Killing him is first, who or how be secondary.

Mafioso Yeah I've been told about you. The Spider, right? What do you want?

Nobunaga A sword and an umbrella. We have them hidden among the black-market goods.

Mafioso Come here.

Inside the warehouse, the mafioso walks ahead into the turn in the passage.

Nobunaga Be careful. He disappeared. In an instant. From within my En.

Phinks Indeed, I can't sense him...

*They take the turn, but it is a dead end. Nobody is there."

There is a sound of something falling with a thud behind the three.

Nobunaga (...Did it come from the way we came in...?)

Returning to the turning point earlier, they find the mafioso's dead body, his throat slit.

Nobunaga What the hell is this...

Nobunaga (The mafioso, who disappeared at the dead-end... somehow slipped past us and appeared as a corpse...!?)

Phinks Well, can't be helped now that he's dead.

Feitan Let's keep looking by ourselves.

Nobunaga Oi! You gonna leave this guy here?

Phinks Ha? A corpse can't help us, and it's not like we can call the others right?

Feitan The blade and umbrella come first.

Phinks Get your priorities straight.

Feitan Yeah.

Nobunaga Nggh. Am I the weird one here? Am I!?

A tear appears in the space above the three

Tier 3, regular passenger area

? You mustn't!! We cannot admit you beyond this point!!

? This site is off-limits until inspection of the crime scene is done!!

Mizaistom What's the number of victims?

? Twenty. They disguised themselves as a soldier, snuck into the room and killed them all in a flash.

Mizaistom Is it a Nen user?

? We still can't say for sure, but the murder weapon is a blade. There are no traces of any ability being used.

Mizaistom Which means it could have simply been a random attacker... Any witnesses?

? There is a survivor who happened to have been on the scene. The culprit is a slender male in his twenties, about 185~190cm tall, and has a huge crescent-shaped scar on his left cheek.

? However, we have been asking people around the crime scene, and we have not been able to get any witness testimony about such a man.

? The survivor's account is also very vague and has many irrelevant points. It is very possible that he is just bewildered from the shock of the incident.

Mizaistom ...Let me talk to him this time.

A mafioso of the Heil-Ly Family is peeping at Nobunaga et al from the tear in the space above them.

Mafioso of the Heil-Ly Family: Louis Knee (Level 21). There is a crescent-shaped scar on his left cheek.

Louis (Nobunaga!! Phinks!! Feitan!! Hehehe they just calmly ignored my little prank... As expected from the attack squad of the notorious Spider!! How awesome~! How electrifying~!! Let's destroy this world together~~~!!)


المصدر: هُنا

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة яєɒ єчэ ; 03-15-2018 الساعة 07:12 PM
قديم 03-16-2018, 12:31 PM   #2
الصورة الرمزية яєɒ єчэ
رقـم العضويــة: 159685
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012
المشـــاركـات: 336
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 26

افتراضي رد: سبويلر هانتر x هانتر 378 || Hunter x Hunter 378 Spoiler

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قديم 03-16-2018, 04:27 PM   #3
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الساعة الآن 08:42 AM.

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